Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentine's Day

If you ask my students what are some of  the best tools that you can use to create a card, their first response would be Canva, Powtoon or Picmonkey and even Skitch. Last year we used some word clouds, I mean heart clouds like Word Hearts, Word Mosaic, Tagxedo and Tagul . An the latest tools we have used in our classroom are EDpuzzle, Record Voice and Pen and Unitag QR code generator so, they might choose to use them  and create unique Valentine's day cards. Interesting choices, right?
Canva is really what we often use in class, but making  card with Canva would be too easy and it would probably take five minutes. So I'd rather use Canva for a writing activity, EDpuzzle for a speaking activity, Record voice and pen for collaborating on a story and Unitag QR code generator for displaying all our work in the classroom. And for the cards I have another idea.

Valentine's Day Cards
Aim: creating a card, writing
Level: all levels
Time: 20-30 minutes
Preparation: No preparation needed for this activity
Procedure: Students need to think of a creative Valentine's message.
Start with homophones. They need to think of words that sound alike. Who is your Valentine can be Hoo is your Valentine , Would you be mine - Wood you bee mine and so on. Here is the complete homophone list. They can write funny messages like Be my PAlentine, My tweety instead of sweety You are fungi to be with, Have a FUN'TACHE'TIC Valentine's day ... Or even a geeky message like <div class="friend" id="crash"> (more at codeacademy)
Once they have written their message they will have to think of the design. If the message is You are TOADally my Valentine they would need a toad, I love you tons - elephant, Wild about you- beast...
The fun part is creating the cards from a scratch. This time they will use PowerPoint shapes and design their cards. Here are some ideas:

Her Story/His Story
Aim: speaking, writing
Level: all levels
Time: 20-30 minutes
Preparation: Make an infographic that explains the activity. If you use Canva you can link each stage with the tool that you will use,see the examples I made for my class here and here.
Make sure your students have created EDpuzzle accounts before the lesson and you have distributed the class code. And create a Penzu account (one for the whole class)

1. Students watch a clip of a short romantic film. I suggest either Paperman

or The Blue Umbrella
2. They will use EDpuzzle to stop the videos at some important moments and leave audio notes. Girls will talk about what the female character saw, felt and thought as if they were her, and boys of what the male character saw and felt. Here is an example
3.Make pairs of a boy and a girl if possible. If not, a girl may pretend being a boy, or a boy being a girl for a few minutes.
4. They talk with their partners and try to write a diary entry together with her story and his story.They use Penzu for writing down their sentences.

Heart Stories
Aim: writing
Level: all levels
Time: 20-30 minutes
Preparation:No preparation needed for this activity
Procedure: Students get a link (via Edmodo) with the list of heart idioms. They are about to write a story using only heart idioms. You can assign two or more students to collaborate on the same story. They will use Gone Google Story Builder, name their characters, write, add audio and share their stories. This is MY STORY

Wall in love
Aim: creating multimedia wall
Level: all levels
Time: 20-30 minutes
Preparation:No preparation needed
Procedure: Students create a padlet wall with their cards, videos, audio recordings, quizes, favourite love books, videos, songs and everything they can think of.
Here is my wall in love

Oh and make a heart-shaped QR codes of your walls for the classroom :)

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